Sheri Yates
“I’ve Lost IT and I’ve Can’t Find IT”
Looking for rest from your work? Yes, every day is busy, fires to put out, kids to chauffeur, diapers to change, the laundry – whoa!, and so much more. We pray and ask God to help us when we bust out in anger, or when we feel discouraged. Sometimes the requests of our Savior are more than we can bear. But is it? When Jesus died, He said, “It is finished”, but what is the IT? We MUST know! The IT is in knowing that in Jesus we find rest for our weary bones and are able to stand firm. Come learn what it means to stand firm in Jesus name!
“Help! I’m Stuck in a Rut!”
Stuck in a rut? Lost hope? Is there a piece of you that desires to do more? You were called to lead your family by example! Let your children catch you living your purpose to the full so that they will imitate you as you follow Christ! Ignite your dreams so your kids will dream BIG!